Ergomood Armbed

Ergonomic support for computer-based music production

Ergomood Armbed

The traditional mixing desk is becoming more and more of a rare sight in music production as audio professionals do more and more of their work on the computer. As the mixing consoles vanish, so does a little detail that rarely gets mentioned: the padded armrest most mixing desks provide. The Armbed translates this aspect of working with a luxurious console to the modern workplace – easy, flexible and impeccably crafted.

The Armbed by Ergomood reinvigorates a detail of classic analogue music production – a detail often forgotten yet important for the special feeling of working at a large format mixing desk. The comfortable and flexible padding offers a great resting place for the arms when programming beats, composing complex arrangements or setting compressors and EQs. Music production days tend to be a little longer – all the more important is the ergonomic design of the workstation.

Research shows that a forearm support like the Ergomood Armbed can reduce the stress inflicted on shoulders and elbows, decreasing the risk of neck and back injury. The muscles can relax, preventing over-exertion. Using the Armbed by Ergomood is a great way to improve personal well-being while working on the next mix or master – by introducing the aforementioned mixing desk feeling for one, but also by facilitating a healthier posture.

The Ergomood Armbed is clad in a natural material in either black or white, haptically resurrecting the sensation of sitting at a large format console. The leather substitute proves to be particularly skin-friendly, so the arms do not break a sweat even in more demanding sessions. Rounded edges create a softer appearance. The underside of the Armbed is L-shaped to fit snuggly to the desk edge and not slip away during use. A magnetic strip can provide additional stability if required. The sides of the Armbed show the robust seams underlining the high-quality craftsmanship that guarantees longevity. The Armbed exudes timeless elegance with its discreet design, adding both visual appeal and ergonomic use to every computer studio.

Not every workplace is the same and workflows vary greatly from person to person. For this reason, Ergomood offers two variations on the Armbed to allow users to pick their favourite. The Armbed King Size provides a large amount of padded real estate and maximum comfort – it seems hard to imagine a more comfy way to work. If the user prefers a slimmer rest, however, perhaps because they work with a laptop computer, the Armbed Queen Size is the perfect choice: same quality, same appeal, but slimmer. Combined with the choice between black and white, there is the ideal Armbed for every taste and interior style.

The Armbed is available immediately in two sizes via The MSRP are 99,00 EUR for King Size and 89,00 EUR for Queen Size. Both variants are available in black or white.