Supercritical Redshift 6 1.1 Update

supercritical redshift6

Supercritical have released the first firmware update for the Redshift 6 and it’s available at their website. The Firmware Update 1.1 brings USB MIDI, new modulation destinations such as: Character, Detune, envelope Attack, Decay, Sustain & Release and also new presets from Kebu.


  • New modulation destinations: Character, Detune, envelope Attack, Decay, Sustain & Release
  • New presets by Kebu


  • LFO Trigger parameter is now named Sync


  • Fix reversed visualizations of LFO Log vs. RevLog waveforms
  • Dual Osc Noise level is now affected by DCO env in para mode, and by gain scaling related to character and drive, as it should be. This may affect the noise level in some presets.
  • MIDI notes now stop when:
    - All Notes Off CC123 is received
    - MIDI channel setting is changed
    - MIDI Panic is pressed from front panel
  • Repeatedly pressing MIDI Panic no longer crashes the synth
  • On fast envelope decays, the envelope no longer gets stuck to its previous sustain value, when sustain level is changed or modulated
  • Fix potential loss of autosave or presets
  • Minor visual fixes

The next Redshift 6 firmware update is already in beta testing and is expected to be released in March.

Supercritical’s Redshift 6 is a 6 voice polyphonic analog synthesizer that combines technology from Supercritical’s previous products, the Demon Core Oscillator and the Neutron Flux Filter. Redshift 6 is a true Sonic powerhouse. With 16 oscillators per voice and a 4-pole analog multimode filter featuring drive and character controls, it effortlessly delivers everything from super saw stabs to lush pads and from unison basses to vintage poly synth sounds. The Redshift 6’s 4 envelopes and 4 LFOs combined with complex, but super easy-to-assign modulation possibilities and mod matrix offer endless possibilities for sound design.