EastWest HollywoodStrings2 small

EastWest announces the long-awaited sequel to Hollywood Strings. In a pivot from recent large sound-scape releases like Hollywood Orchestra and Hollywood Fantasy Orchestra, the leader in virtual sounds has created their most nuanced and intimate string library yet - recording a tight 21-piece group in EastWest Studio 2 – smaller room, same production team, no less cinematic.

Hollywood Strings 2 provides all the essential articulations, including legato, detache, pizzicato, staccato, spiccato, marcato, col legno, and even rare textural styles like flautando, each with up to four dynamics, ensuring an unparalleled level of expressiveness and realism. From the delicate intimacy of pianissimo to the commanding authority of fortissimo, and everything in between, articulations are captured with exacting detail by an extensive array of microphones, giving composers unprecedented control over the performance and sound of the strings.

Every instrument is mic’d closer than ever before, capturing the grit, depth, and air of every note in the finest detail possible. Users can independently control 3 separate close mic positions (including mics attached directly to the instruments), plus main, mid-field, and surround mics. Hollywood Strings 2 is even Atmos-ready to create Atmos mixes in DAWs that support it. Epic arrangements are impressive, but there’s more to strings than scale alone... and while its predecessor is indeed epic, Hollywood Strings 2 goes even further, molding itself to any task.

Hollywood Strings 2 was recorded in EastWest’s own Studio 2, home to classic themes from The Beverly Hillbillies, Hawaii Five-O, and the soundtracks to Encanto and A Star is Born. The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Green Day, Weezer, and Metallica have also recorded in Studio 2 for its tight and punchy sound. It’s only fitting that these strings suit cinematic metal or heavy rock as well as they would an epic film cue. Even for those who already own every available strings library, Hollywood Strings 2 will bring the intimacy that no other collection offers.
