Bitwig/Orchestral Tools Orchestral Brass

Bitwig and Orchestral Tools present Orchestral Brass, a sound package full of high-quality brass samples and Bitwig presets. Orchestral Brass puts the rich musical palette of a world-class orchestral brass section at your fingertips within Bitwig Studio. This sound package contains a broad range of brass tones, timbres, articulations, and dynamic depth, from evocative solitary voices to powerful ensemble groupings. Everything is organized and optimized for seamless integration with Bitwig Studio’s Sampler. 18 presets summon entire brass ensembles, trumpet and horn sections, and trombone/tuba combos, each in a flexible array of articulations. The package also includes eight remix presets for easy manipulation. Every note and nuance has been captured with expert care, with natural volume balancing across all instruments and maximum flexibility in mind. This high-quality brass is ready to be put to creative use in your most intricate arrangements.

Instruments in the Sound Package

  • Brass (ensemble: sustained, sustained soft, staccato, marcato, muted-sustained, muted-staccato)
  • Trumpet and horn (ensemble: sustained, staccato, marcato)
  • Trombone ensemble and tuba (sustained, staccato, marcato)

Orchestral Brass is Bitwig's third collaboration with Orchestral Tools. It joins Orchestral Strings and Orchestral Woodwinds in our Orchestral Tools Collection. Explore all three of these inspiring packages by browsing the “Partners” section in the Bitwig Studio Package Manager. Orchestral Brass is out now. It is a free sound package for anyone with an active Bitwig Studio Upgrade Plan.