Arturia Pigments 6

Arturia Pigments6 UI small

Explore in-depth sound design with every synthesis type you could need and a responsive, color-coded interface that rewards experimentation - from playful discoveries to intricate modulation and patch creation.

A powerful new Modal engine meets enhanced filters, modulators, and creative tools for unprecedented sound design freedom:

  • Modal engine: Experience physically-modeled tones using beam or string resonators, from collision-based decaying tones to friction-based textures.
  • Vocoder effect: Inject everything from classic robotic timbres to avant-garde vocal textures into your patches. Modulate it with external audio or with a signal taken from specific points in the Pigments audio path.
  • New filters: Discover an analog-infused Multimode V2, the stacked Cluster filter for swirling textures, and LoFi for crunchy, vintage-style coloration.
  • New modulators: Elevate expression with new Voice Modulator, Envelope Follower, and generate new curves with revamped Functions.
  • Granular improvements: Scan through samples mid-playback for time-stretching atmospheres, randomize grain playback for each note, and adjust grain size for fluid, evolving textures.
  • UX & UI enhancements: Refine modulations with an updated drag-and-drop workflow, explore an improved file browser, and enjoy a refreshed layout including a polished light theme!