GameSoundCon 2024

GameAudioCon NetworkingMixer 10

GameSoundCon, a professional conference for video game music and sound design, is coming back to the Marriott Burbank Convention Center in Burbank, CA on October 29 & 30. This is also GameSoundCon’s 15th anniversary. In preparation for the event, Brian Schmidt, GameSoundCon Founder and Executive Director, has conducted an analysis of game sound design job postings. The good news: despite challenging times in the game industry, the market for jobs in game audio is robust. The 2024 report, titled Landing a Job in Game Audio: Analysis of Game Sound Design Job Listings, has been published at and provides helpful insight about the desired salary ranges, tools, skill set, and experience needed to land employment in game audio.

In addition to the many resources at the website - articles on game audio job skills, personal finance for composers, how royalties work, audio for AR/VR as well as comprehensive game audio industry surveys - the actual conference GameSoundCon is the most anticipated event in the industry. Last year’s attendance was up a whopping 53% over the prior year. This year again, the Presenting Sponsors Audiokinetic (Wwise), Epic Games (Unreal Engine 5) and FMOD will provide special sessions in their respective rooms at the Marriott Burbank Convention Center with talks that allow attendees to gain thorough understanding of the latest game audio tools and techniques.

Over 120 speakers and panelists will share their expertise and knowledge, and the conference is a fantastic opportunity to meet leading composers and audio professionals like Wilbert Roget II, Austin Wintory, Mason Lieberman, Phil Kovats, and learn the most up-to-date information in sessions, workshops and more.

As in prior years, GameSoundCon is a hybrid event: live and streaming. Attendees can attend in person or remotely with an online only ticket which provides real-time online access to GameSoundCon sessions, live text chat and more. Since most sessions will be presented simultaneously, virtually all sessions will be posted for both in-person and online attendees to watch for up to a full year after GameSoundCon.

Ticket prices have been the same for the last six years. Until September 14, attendees can take advantage of the Earlybird Pricing with significant savings, both for in-person and online-only attendance. Noteworthy for Voice Actors: The Actor Pass is available again this year for the Dialogue & Networking sessions Wednesday Oct. 30, plus the Expo/Sponsors area.