KeyPleezer LivingRoom Upright Piano Complete Edition

KeyPleezer LivingRoom small

KeyPleezer announces the release of their instrument LivingRoom Upright Piano Complete Edition, for KONTAKT sampler. LivingRoom Upright Piano is a character upright piano library for Kontakt sampler that embodies the essence of a naturally sounding piano as it is when played for a few months since tuning. Instead of a perfectly tuned grand piano, or an out of tune honky-tonk, this piano is an alternative that recreates an analog, organic sounding piano with dissonance here and there. A versatile all-round piano with a realistic sound, useful in everything from classical music, rock, latin, pop to hip-hop and EDM.

The original piano is a large body vintage upright from a South Swedish local piano maker, that was tuned to around 98% perfection for a realistic and natural piano sound. It was sampled in 3 close stereo microphone positions. The first one in "player position", the second one below the keyboard and the third on the rear of the piano. The sound is the most dry sound we could make and embodies the closest and most intimate sound of the piano.

All internal components and behaviours of the original piano was captured through hyper-sampling of the piano's acoustical components. String dampening, mechanical key release sounds, pedal sounds and behaviour, string and piano body resonances were captured multiple times to give a nuanced and realistic sound and fully recreate the original instrument.

The LivingRoom Upright Piano is aimed at being an alternative to more pristine and perfect sounding pianos, without for that matter being out-of-function or busted. It is suited for a wide array of contemporary genres as well as classical music and can be adjusted extensively using one of or a mix of the 3 recorded microphone positions combined with the sampled acoustics layers and effects, adjustable in the mixer page of the instrument.

The 3 close microphone positions give you a wider range of options in the stereo image and tone/response of the sound. While the top position, the player position, gives a quite close image of the sound in front of you as you sit and play, the second position was recorded below the keys and gives a more bright nuance and less stereo width. The third close position was recorded on the rear of the piano body, at the openings on the back and the sound is distinctly warmer and less bright.

The LivingRoom Upright Piano Complete Edition for KONTAKT sampler features:

  • Intimate & detailed sound rich in piano body.
  • A fraction out of tune here and there, for maximum realism (not broken nor honky-tonk).
  • 3 close microphone positions for a multitude of nuance possibilities while retaining intimacy of sound character.
  • 14 Velocity/sensitivity recordings, 2 layers of sustained notes per key (7 layers for pedal off, 7 Layers for pedal on).
  • Acoustic fidelity and realism enhanced by string dampening / release, mechanical key release sounds, piano body & string resonances and pedal action sound effects
  • Made for Kontakt sampler 5.4.2+ (for backwards compatibility), SFZ and EXS24 / Sampler support coming soon.
  • Dynamic Range adjustment for velocity triggered volume range (all formats).
  • Includes a original-all NKI and also a "clean" NKI instrument file that removes "character" keys (keys less than perfect in mechanical quality).
  • Includes a total of 39 KONTAKT Snapshots for a quick start and good starting points.
  • Custom piano playback engine for KONTAKT features:
    – advanced polyphony voice handling for each key
    – String dampening & Key release acoustics - multiple recordings for each key to match original note velocity and time elapsed
    – String dampening 5-8 layer matrix - both Staccato (shorter shocks) and normal (longer held notes) sounds for nuanced releasing of notes
    – Piano Body and String Resonances recorded through Impulse Response / Convolution Reverb for added realism
    – Open-close panels/lids adjustment for sounds ranging from a "living room sound" to a clean intimate uptake
    – Analog-style user interface with performance view and mixer with adjustments for each mic position.
    – Library consists of 23GB of full length samples in 24-bit / 44.1kHz wav files. 10GB when using ncw (lossless compressed)

LivingRoom Upright Piano - Complete Edition - pricing:

  • Standard price: $119
  • Introductory offer: $87 (26% off) - This introductory offer runs for one month, until Sunday 17th of July 2022.