Standardized Status Monitoring on NMOS Systems


We want to draw attention on an interesting extension of the NMOS standard described in a white paper by Sandro Furter, Senior Project Manager beim Swiss Radio and Television SRF (left) and Stefan Ledergerber, CEO Simplexity GmbH (right).

Since 2020, Swiss Radio and Television (SRF) has been on-air with their all-IP news and sports building in Zürich. Based on its experience, SRF points out that the state of the industry with regard to status monitoring of IP systems is still inadequate.

In a whitepaper, SRF describes these challenges and recommends a set of four essential alarms for more efficient fault diagnosis. This recommendation has now been recognized by the Advanced Media Workflow Association (AMWA) and is currently being integrated into the NMOS standard based on IS-12. This will simplify the monitoring and troubleshooting of NMOS-based systems.

PDF-Download: Standardized Status Monitoring on NMOS Systems