Polyend Play+ 1.0.1 & Play 1.4.2 Firmware

Polyend Play Firmware

This release marks the official rollout of the Play+ 1.0.1 firmware, exiting its beta phase. Included are vital bug fixes from the beta version, making it essential for users on the 1.0.1 beta to update.

  • New Features: Enjoy the newly integrated synth patch editor, the capability to save and initialize synth patches, and save synth patches within projects.
  • Updated Manual: For detailed guidance on using the synth editor, refer to Chapter 5 of the manual.

The Play 1.4.2 Firmware Update brings a few critical fixes and optimizations that improve stability. Among these improvements are key fixes that directly address and resolve reported freezes and system hiccups.

Next year is set to be an exciting year for Polyend! They have a lineup of free firmware updates planned for all their devices. Here's a sneak peek:

  • Early 2024: The Play and Play+ will be receiving a significant update with the addition of a MIDI performance mode.
  • Following Shortly: Tracker Mini and the original Tracker are set for some impressive improvements.
