Audio & Vision New DirectOut Distribution Partner

DirectOut 120 DO and Pro AudioVision for Distribution
L-R: Vasillis Skouras, Panagiotis Fourtounis, Lorenzo Sassi, Thanos Dimopoulos, Yiannis Leontaris

DirectOut and Audio & Vision have joined forces to establish an exclusive partnership for distribution in Greece. With this strategic alliance, Audio & Vision will now serve as the official distributor of DirectOut products in Greece, ensuring the delivery of top-notch audio solutions in the region. Audio & Vision has established itself as a reliable provider of premium AV products and services in Greece since the beginning of their activities in 1998.

"We are proud to add DirectOut to our distribution portfolio in Greece," said Mr. Alkis Kotsifas, General Manager of Audio & Vision. "With a 25-year track record in the professional audio, video and lighting solutions sector, we have been committed since the foundation of our company to provide our customers with the highest quality of products and services. We seek the best partners worldwide to achieve our goals, and our new partnership with DirectOut is a testament to our determination."

Audio & Vision acts across various sectors within the AV industry, including Installation, Touring, Broadcast, and Recording. By incorporating DirectOut’s innovative solutions into their offerings, they are equipped to meet the diverse demands of signal distribution, conversion, routing, and processing.

Lorenzo Sassi, Business Development Manager, expressed his enthusiasm for the collaboration, stating, "We are thrilled to partner with Audio & Vision in Greece. This partnership marks an important step for the future, and we are confident that our combined expertise will bring innovative and high-quality solutions to the Greek market."

DirectOut is excited to join forces with Audio & Vision, taking a big step forward in the Greek market. This partnership promises great things for both companies.