PAMA shares Member Profiles in New Blog Series

PAMA DawnBirr GaryBoss DavidFuller
L-R: Dawn Birr, Gary Boss, David Fuller

The Professional Audio Manufacturers Alliance (PAMA), the collective voice and forum for leading manufacturers of professional audio products and the people who use them, recently kicked off a new blog series that shines a spotlight on the audio professionals working for PAMA member companies. The series looks at the talented individuals that contribute to PAMA’s rich membership, giving an insightful look at their background, industry experiences, company and job, and how being a part of PAMA has benefited their company.

Three audio pros have been featured so far, with additional profiles to be rolled out in the coming months:

  • First profiled is Dawn Birr, Sennheiser Customer & Market Insights Manager. The piece discusses her journey at Sennheiser, which has included ten different roles over 20+ years, as well as her unique experiences as a woman in pro audio.
  • Second is Gary Boss, Audio-Technica U.S. Marketing Director. This piece emphasizes how Gary’s background, his keen interest in audio-related topics and his varied roles at A-T have made him an audio pro that can bridge the worlds of pro and hi-fi audio, M.I., sound contracting and beyond.
  • Third is David Fuller, QSC Vice President, Product Development – Pro Division. David’s profile focuses on how audio has been far more than a hobby in his life – it is a passion and a lifestyle, and that has helped shape his career in audio. He shares wisdom that he has learned from friends and industry mentors, and he shares some good advice for aspiring audio pros. Additionally, all three profiles touch on the value of the PAMA organization for these pros and their respective companies.

“This new series is an opportunity to get up close and personal with some of the prominent audio professionals that make PAMA such a fulfilling organization,” states Chris Regan, Chair of PAMA’s Board of Directors. “Their stories are fun to read, and their careers have given them unique insights into this industry and where it’s headed. We thank them for their contributions, and we look forward to sharing more profiles as the series grows.”