VSL Elite Strings Bonus Set

The Vienna Symphonic Library announces a free bonus set to their all-in-one orchestral package at an entry-level price. In addition to the regular string ensembles taken from Synchron Strings Pro, the Synchron Prime Edition now comes with the essential articulations of the small string ensembles of Synchron Elite Strings. The free bonus set is available to both registered users as well as new customers.

What’s more, the Synchron Prime Edition is available at a special price of €445 (reg. €595) through July 4, 2023. The comprehensive library gathers the essential instruments and articulations of Vienna’s Synchron Series into one resource-saving collection that is easy to use, versatile and fun to play.

At the same time, the Austrian company announces the three finalists of the Vienna Composer Contest, David Neumann, Jack Gionis, and Paul Cohen, awarding each of them a complete Synchron Package worth more than €9,000. The three victorious composers, as well as the other nine semi-finalists who successfully moved to the second round of the contest, created their submitted tracks exclusively with the Synchron Prime Edition. All 12 tracks can be listened to at the website below in the category for the Vienna Composer Contest.

In the third and final round of the Vienna Composer Contest, the three finalists will each compose a track in the style of a cinematic fantasy film that’s suited for production music. The winning composer will be announced on July 1. He will go on to sign a contract with 2nd Foundation Music and write a further five tracks to create a well-balanced, marketable EP. All six tracks will then be recorded at Synchron Stage Vienna, with 2nd Foundation Music creative director Daryl Griffith conducting the Synchron Stage Orchestra. Once released in the fall of 2023, the music will be available as library music with distributors throughout the world.
