VSL SYNCHRONizedHarps GUI small

The Vienna Symphonic Library announces the release of a new instrument library. SYNCHRON-ized Harps is based on the VI Collection Harps and features two different instruments that were recorded in the tight and controlled ambience of Vienna’s second studio, the Silent Stage. The entire sample database was re-edited, updated and optimized for the Vienna Synchron Player. SYNCHRON-ized Harps is currently available at an introductory price of €95 (reg. €145). Upgrade paths from the VI Series Library Harps as well as from the single instruments Harp 1 and Harp 2 are available, starting at €25.

At the same time, the Austrian company announces an update of the Vienna Synchron Player that now supports Apple Silicon natively and comes with faster loading times and major performance improvements on all platforms. A massive promotion on all Synchron, SYNCHRON-ized, and Big Bang Orchestra string libraries as well as Synchron Harp accompanies the releases.

Both harps of SYNCHRON-ized Harps are perfectly positioned at the virtual Synchron Stage Vienna, utilizing the Synchron Player’s convolution reverb based on Vienna MIR technology. Presets such as close, classic, and distant let users easily place and reverberate the instruments with pre-configured combinations of convolution and algorithmic reverbs.

By selecting the “unprocessed” preset without any reverb or placement, creators can use these harps completely dry, place them anywhere in the stereo field, and incorporate any reverb of their preference, such as the rooms provided by Vienna MIR Pro 3D.

Harp 1 was played by Ruth Rojahn, the solo harpist of the Hofer Symphoniker who also played in orchestras such as the Vienna Philharmonic, the Radio Symphony Orchestra Vienna, Tonkünstler Orchestra, and many others. Apart from single notes in various playing styles the first harp offers an enormous wealth of glissandos and arpeggios in numerous scales and tempos, all perfectly organized and easily accessible in the Synchron Player’s color-coded articulation structure.

The second harp contains an even larger number of single notes played with finger nails, damped, près de la table, as well as harmonics, bisbigliandos, and pedal glissandos. It was played by Julia Reth who shared the stage with orchestras such as the Vienna Philharmonic, Wiener Symphoniker, Radio Symphony Orchestra Vienna, Klangforum Wien, Neue Oper Wien, and many others.
