SCHOEPS expands sales and support team

Schoeps Vertriebs und Supportteam
L-R: Niklas Braun, Georg Burdicek, Matthias Richter

Germany-based microphone manufacturer Schoeps is significantly expanding its sales and support team. At Schoeps, customers have always enjoyed direct, competent communication with the manufacturer, whether it is about specific orders or the application of the microphones. This is now being increased with an expanded team.

Niklas Braun is the new main contact person in the sales department for all matters concerning order acceptance, support and service. Braun has worked for many years for well-known pro audio companies and is himself an experienced sound engineer. He also performs regularly on stage as a jazz, funk and soul bass player.

Bernhard Vollmer will continue to be available for support and service with his many years of experience.

When it comes to advising customers, Schoeps is reinforcing itself with professionals who are at the forefront of the industry: The newly formed "SCHOEPS Tonmeister Expert Group" includes Matthias Richter (freelance film sound engineer) and Georg Burdicek (freelance sound engineer, expert in orchestral recording). The two experienced sound engineers answer customer questions about the use of the microphones, competently and with concrete practical advice. Together with the Schoeps experts and developers who are also available for support – among them SCHOEPS co-CEO and stereo and 3D audio specialist Dr. Helmut Wittek – the most important areas of microphone application are covered. Schoeps is responding to the increasing desire of customers to receive concrete support for practical questions, e.g. regarding microphone placement or the interaction of microphones with wireless technology.