Vienna Symphonic Library Celestial Strings

A string ensemble virtual instrument, free of charge

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The Vienna Symphonic Library team announces the release of Celestial Strings, a new library featuring a large string ensemble as a free gift for everybody. Having released their »HELLO« Free Instruments Big Bang Orchestra - Free Basics, Fujara Flute, and Soft Imperial, this is the forth instrument the Austrian company provides free of charge. Vienna’s Free Instruments can be activated on an iLok key or on the user’s computer without the requirement of a physical key.

Celestial Strings offers a heavenly string ensemble sound that is simply beautiful, and beautifully simple to use. The large ensemble consists of the acclaimed string players of Vienna’s famed Synchron Stage Orchestra who perform frequently on diverse productions from Hollywood film scores to movie trailers, documentaries, and classical recordings. Here they are creating a soft and ethereal ensemble sound that is extremely homogenous and well balanced.

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Celestial Strings provides a masterfully captured ensemble sound by Synchron Stage Vienna’s Chief Recording Engineer Bernd Mazagg in one of the best scoring stages on the planet. Spread out over more than six octaves on the keyboard, the large sections of first and second violins, violas, cellos, and basses are carefully layered into one beautiful, inspiring patch that users can play right away, letting its magic unfold by just holding the keys.

The perfectly created Mixer Presets offer a host of sound characteristics right out of the box and ready for use, from the pure unprocessed string ensemble to lush and airy sounds and to various effect presets.