Vienna Symphonic Library Soft Imperial

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The Vienna Symphonic Library team announces the release of Soft Imperial, a new library featuring a sampled Bösendrofer Imperial as a free gift for everybody. Having released their »HELLO« Free Instruments Big Bang Orchestra – Free Bascis, and Fujara Flute, this is the third instrument the Austrian company provides free of charge. Vienna’s Free Instruments can be activated on an iLok key or on the user’s computer without the requirement of a physical key.

Soft Imperial offers the gentle sounds and colors of a beautiful Bösendorfer Imperial concert grand. Rather than being dull or muffled, the clear and transparent tones of this marvelous grand piano lend themselves well to a lot of styles, from intimate and sparse arrangements to larger instrumentations.

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The instrument was recorded in the tight and controlled ambience of Vienna’s second studio, the Silent Stage, so that users can place the piano in any acoustic environment. Many different placements and reverberation settings are preconfigured and readily available in the Vienna Synchron Player, with Mixer Presets from a dry player’s perspective, to various reverb lengths, big hall placements and ethereal effects.