Klevgrand Speldosa

Klevgrand Wintergatan

Wintergatan (Marble Machine) have to date worked primarily in the physical world, while Klevgrand has performed their craft in the digital realm. When these two worlds now meet, it results in a product that both visually and audibly inspires the creation of music that you didn’t know you had in you.

“From the moment I created this music box sound, I have always wanted to share it. It’s been a dream of mine to put the sound into the hands of musicians and producers everywhere and see what music they would make with it” – Martin Molin, Wintergatan.

Besides the fact that both Wintergatan and Klevgränd are formed by musicians, their paths have crossed in their admiration for the craft of creating new things, musical craft in the true sense of the word. Speldosa – Wintergatan Music Box is an instrument that combines the physical craftsmanship with the digital. Speldosa (Swedish for “Music Box”) is the essence of the shared beliefs of Klevgrand and Wintergatan, and their fascination with minimalism. A simple melody played on a music box can contain an equal amount of emotional power as any symphonic work. There is something about the music box sound that never ceases to fascinate. The instrument itself has been meticulously recorded by Wintergatan and transformed into a playable digital instrument plug-in. The Speldosa Music Box sound has been the sonic signature of two of Martin Molins bands, Detektivbyrån and Wintergatan, both recognized for their unique sound.

“The sounds in Speldosa have been the secret sauce in my music career and I hope other musicians find it as useful as I have.There is a special quality to this exact music box sound that lifts it above the novelty feeling of a toy and turns it into a real music instrument. It just sounds so good haha, that's really it. And it is a sound that makes you write music instantly – the music comes from the sound itself. During this collaboration, when Klevgrand sent me the first beta version of the plugin, I ended up playing around with the sound for three hours, losing track of time. I wrote three songs. One of them, “Stjärnfall” will be released in connection with the product launch. I was scheduled to do something else that day but the sound kept me playing. That’s what Speldosa does to me, and I think it will do the same for others." – Martin Molin, Wintergatan.

Features included in Speldosa – Wintergatan Music Box: Four music box characters, two room ambiences, spacious reverb, optional vibrato, output level.

Price: $9,99 (all platforms). Introductory price: $5,99 (intro offer valid until 2023-04-06).

Requirements: macOS 10.10 or later (optimized for the M1-processor), Windows 7 (SP1) or later, running a AU, VST3 or AAX compatible 64-bit host. iOS: AUv3 plug-in/Standalone - iOS devices running iOS 13.0 or later
