Tidy Optimal Audio Solution for Norfolk Restaurant

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Flipside AV recently installed an Optimal Audio Zone 4 and ZonePad to control three audio zones at a modern café, bar and hotel called Bang in Wells. The daily pressures upon hospitality staff are always challenging and the last thing anyone wants to worry about is a complicated sound system. That’s where Optimal Audio provides the perfect solution.

Zone 4 is a zonal audio controller with DSP providing everything required in a single compact unit to become the beating heart of an efficient, high-quality multi-zoned commercial sound system and features 4 line and 2 mic inputs plus 2 HDMI inputs for TV and video sound. It allows the installer to independently allocate sources across four configurable zones, such as a lobby, bar or restaurant, and each zone can be configured to do precisely what is required using the intuitive WebApp. This includes EQs, speaker presets, structured time of day routines and so much more.

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In the case of Bang, Zone 4 was installed to control audio for three zones and once configured a ZonePad 4 was added to make end usability effortless. ZonePad 4 is an elegant wall mounted controller, providing users clear and simple access to the essential controls of up to four zones. It gives all users the confidence and access they need to operate the system and features a clean, slick intuitive touch interface, enabling selection, volume control of playback sources and microphones to be easily controlled across the zones of audio from one position. Controlling the sound system on the move is no problem for the venue staff either. The manager of the venue has WebApp pinned to home screen on the venue iPad, ensuring that changes can be made quickly and easily if needed.

Optimal Audio was the perfect fit according to James Heath Cooper, MD at Flipside AV: “The unit was super-fast and easy to set up with just the right amount of control for the team to get the best out of the sound system. In terms of price, it’s spot on really and has some lovely value-added functionality like the HDMI audio inputs. The customer is very happy and finds the system effortless to use. It’s added a lovely vibe to the establishment.”
