Arturia FX Collection 3

Arturia FX Collection 3

FX Collection 3 now includes 26 effects, from classic studio distortion units to cutting-edge granular processing, along with over 800 expertly-designed presets, A/B comparison, and a wealth of workflow enhancements for fluid DAW production.

Combining engineering expertise, a passion for supreme sound quality, and over two decades of virtual modeling innovation, FX Collection 3 is Arturia’s answer to musicians, producers, and artists seeking a refreshed approach to music production. Simultaneously focused and expansive, this feature-packed suite of 26 hand-picked effects empowers sound explorers with the most creative and flexible tools they need to change their production game.

What’s new in FX Collection 3?

  • Dist TUBE-CULTURE - Ignite your mix with lifelike tube warmth with this modern distortion classic, perfect for breathing life and crisp color into any sound - from soft saturation to fizzing crunch.
  • Dist OPAMP-21 - The original ‘go direct’ guitar pedal turned studio cult classic, enhanced for your virtual studio; instant amp-like harmonic detail or high-gain crunch. Choose your op-amp flavor.
  • Efx FRAGMENTS - Explore glitchy stutters, grainy stereo ambience, experimental textures, and beyond with next-level granular processing. Divide, transform, and rebuild any sound.
  • Tape MELLO-FI - Sprinkle lush lo-fi vibes over any sound with this vintage tape warmth plugin inspired by the legendary Mellotron keyboard. Simple, streamlined, sublime.
  • Oversampling - Both Dist OPAMP-21 and Dist TUBE-CULTURE feature variable oversampling, letting you choose between two modes prioritizing either supreme audio quality or lower CPU usage.
  • A/B comparison - Quickly compare, copy, or bounce between two distinct configurations of an effect, whether it’s an existing preset or your own custom settings.
    Improved interfaces - Enjoy streamlined performance, easier preset browsing, smoother loading times, and more thanks to interface overhauls for every title in FX Collection 3.

To celebrate the launch, registered users can purchase FX Collection 3 at a one-off introductory price. Users can login at to unlock their exclusive discounts, available until Wednesday, July 7th.