dBTechnologies VIO X 206 and Aurora Net

dBTechnologies DemoDay

dBTechnologies Deutschland GmbH is inviting visitors to its Demo Day in Kerkrade, the Netherlands, just a stone's throw away from the German border, on 10 May 2022. A dBTechnologies VIO system has been in use at the Rodahal for some time now, and visitors will be able to experience it live at the Demo Day.

In the Rodahal, the operator, the VanMelickGroep, has an active VIO line array system in use, which is combined with Ingenia modules. Currently, VIO L212-A and L210-A line array modules are located at the stage at events, combined with VIO S218 subwoofers. Ingenia IG3T units complete the installation serving as delays. The system is complemented by VIO W15 monitors.

During the Demo Day at the Rodahal, dBTechnologies Product Manager Pro-Audio Jochen Gotzen will present, among other things, the latest version of the Aurora Net control tool, which now also supports the OSC protocol. The new products of the VIO series will take up a large part of the day's presentations. New in the portfolio is the VIO X 206, which can be used both as a point source loudspeaker and in a line array. The VIO L1610 line array will also be on show. The VIO C Series, also new, includes three 2-way active models and is designed to create horizontal or vertical line source arrays. Also part of the presentation are the VIO W Series monitors.

dBTechnologies is breaking new ground with the IS product range, which is based throughout on passive loudspeakers for the installation sector; for use in the small bar or café up to a large fixed installation in the multi-purpose and congress hall.

After the product presentation, there will be time for an extensive Q&A session.

  • The dBTechnologies Demo Day at a glance:
  • When: 10 May 2022, 18-22 hrs.
  • Where: Rodahal Kerkrade, Europaplein 1, 6461 AJ KERKRADE, The Netherlands
  • Registration through info(at)dbtechnologies.com
