Martin Audio Formally Presented With Queen’s Award for Innovation

Major reception at High Wycombe HQ, with HM’s Lord-Lieutenant, Countess Howe

MartinAudio Queens Award

Back in April this year, Martin Audio was honoured with a Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Innovation for its Wavefront Precision optimised line arrays.

Upon the announcement, Martin Audio MD, Dom Harter, had eagerly acknowledged the prestige of winning, fittingly during the company’s 50th year. He also revealed that Wavefront Precision arrays had become the company’s fastest ever selling line array format suitable for both installation and live sound applications.

Six months later Martin Audio was formally presented with the award, at a special reception held at their High Wycombe HQ, by Countess Howe, Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire. Also in attendance were Councillor Zahir Mohammed, Chairman of Buckinghamshire Council, as well as Phil Dudderidge,  Executive Chairman and Founder of Martin Audio parent company, Focusrite - and all the staff of Martin Audio.

After a brief demonstration of Wavefront Precision, Dom Harter introduced Countess Howe, who started by congratulating the company on its achievement. She noted that there were 205 award winners across the UK and only 48 in the innovation category, including two from High Wycombe. “Buckinghamshire clearly is the entrepreneurial heart of the UK,” she exclaimed.

“In order to receive this award under the Innovation category you have needed to demonstrate that innovation is critical to the growth of your company, and that you have invested in development with the right risk balanced portfolio. Your research into what the market needs has been crucial to building your networks. Customer satisfaction has been a key indicator of your engagement with your market. And with a world class rating in the customer satisfaction tables you are clearly doing the right thing!”

Countess Howe continued, “Your investment in research and development has enabled the diversification of your business from an essentially touring heritage to encompassing fixed installations.  This you have rolled out at an awe-inspiring rate with an unprecedented level of new product development—60 new products in five years I believe, resulting in a five-fold increase in product.”

Addressing the staff, she said in conclusion, “You should feel justifiably proud of achieving the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the Innovation category, and on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen and as her representative in the county I am delighted to make the presentation.”

A striking crystal glass trophy, along with the certificate, were duly presented to Dom Harter and Phil Dudderidge.

Harter, in turn, thanked the Lord-Lieutenant, stating, “I am extremely proud of this achievement as it recognises both innovation and commercial success and is testament to everyone’s hard work here at Martin Audio.

“The last 18 months has been the most challenging time in the company’s 50-year history, but the combination of innovation, hard work and family spirit has once again shown that we can meet any challenge. As we emerge from the pandemic, fitter and stronger than before, this Queen’s Award presentation feels the perfect celebration to everyone’s efforts, and I couldn’t be prouder of the team here.”

Phil Dudderidge also added thanks to the staff, registering his pride in Martin Audio as part of Focusrite, and underlined  the importance of the Queen’s Awards.

The formal duties discharged, Countess Howe then spent time chatting to staff on a factory walkabout.