Stage Audio Works introduces Plus Audio range

Affordable loudspeaker systems for all applications

StageAudioWorks Plus Audio Hero 4
Plus Audio Hero 4

South African technology solutions provider announces the launch of their latest innovation: Plus Audio is a new range of loudspeaker systems for all applications requiring professional grade performance at an affordable price point.

Targeted at regional rental companies and worship applications, Plus Audio offers products ranging from powerful, large format line array systems for touring or fixed installation use, compact line arrays for smaller venues right through to a range of versatile point source cabinets that can be used as a distributed system, or as in-fill for larger systems or indeed as a stand-alone PA coupled with the appropriate subwoofers. A range of subwoofers and a dedicated stage monitor as well as amplifiers and a DSP complete the line-up.

StageAudioWorks Plus Audio M13 12A L208i
L-R: Plus Audio L208i, M13 and 12A Power Amplifier

“We’re delighted to integrate the Plus Audio brand into our portfolio,” says Stage Audio Works CTO Nathan Ihlenfeldt. “We now offer loudspeaker systems for all applications and all budgets – there is something for everyone, whatever your situation and requirements.

“Plus Audio offers a range of solutions for those looking for a more economical solution,” continues Ihlenfeldt. “What makes the difference is the level of service and implementation expertise that comes with it – and that’s the same whatever system you choose. Our expert teams will accompany and advise you every step of the way; we will design your system, install it, commission it and maintain it so you can be assured of the best possible results. We will also advise on issues such as acoustic treatment if we feel it will improve the audio experience, and, as usual, deliver a turnkey solution for your requirements. In short, you can expect a premium service to ensure premium results, whatever your budget.”