Martin Audio Updates VU-NET Support for TORUS and Introduces Q-SYS Control for iKON Amplifiers


Martin Audio has announced the latest release of its control software VU-NET (2.2.2), which alongside new firmware for iKON amplifiers, implements new features.

Firstly, preset support has been added for Martin Audio’s award-winning constant curvature loudspeaker, TORUS T12, including when it is also used in conjunction with its partner cardioid subwoofer, SXC118. Secondly, Martin Audio iKON amplifiers can now be added to the Q-SYS ecosystem within the Q-SYS Designer software. Features can be controlled from the software, Q-SYS compatible UCIs and GPIO logic ports integrated into Q-SYS cores and peripherals. These control features include gain and muting, sleep and standby and alarm notifications, as well as amplifier snapshot recall.

MartinAudio Q SYS

Dom Harter, Managing Director, commented, “The much higher than forecast demand for TORUS has taken us a bit by surprise so we are delighted to release the latest version of VU-NET to enable deployment of the product for installation and live sound. Similarly, we’ve had a number of requests from system integrators to have iKON amplifier compatibility with the Q-SYS eco-system and so with this latest firmware support there are even more tools available to enable our customers to maximise sales within our portfolio.”

To download VU-NET software and iKON firmware and Q-SYS plugin please visit Martin Audio's website.