Clear Cut New RTW Audio Distributor for Latin America

RTW AndreasTweitmann OliverBaumann
L-R: Andreas Tweitmann, Oliver Baumann

RTW Audio, a manufacturer of audio metering and monitor control solutions, is excited to announce a new partnership with Clear Cut, Inc. as the exclusive distributor for Latin America. This collaboration marks a significant step for RTW Audio in expanding its market presence across the region, including Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.

Clear Cut is an acknowledged distributor of high-quality audio brands, representing companies such as KOSS, Lewitt, Beyerdynamic, Countryman, Schoeps, and Cranborne Audio. With their extensive network and expertise in the Latin American market, Clear Cut is well-positioned to introduce RTW's cutting-edge audio visualization tools to professionals in the region.

Oliver Baumann, President at Clear Cut, Inc., expresses his enthusiasm about the partnership, stating, "We are thrilled to join forces with RTW Audio as their exclusive distributor in Latin America. RTW's audio metering solutions are renowned for their precision and reliability, and they complement our existing portfolio of audio brands perfectly. We are confident that this collaboration will enable us to provide our customers with the finest audio metering and monitor control products and solutions, helping them to achieve their goals in their audio endeavors, as well as meeting their production deadlines."

Andreas Tweitmann, CEO of RTW Audio, elaborates: "We are very happy to welcome Clear Cut as our exclusive distributor in Latin America. Their long-standing presence in the region and strong distribution network will significantly enhance our reach in this important market. Together, we will surely offer unparalleled solutions to our customers throughout Latin America."

The partnership between RTW Audio and Clear Cut, Inc. will be effective starting 1 July 2023.