Lawo Announces Next-Generation Video Infrastructure

LAWO NAB Special Preview

During a global event for both visitors to the NAB Show in Las Vegas and the world at large, Lawo will unveil a new video infrastructure platform full of stunning surprises on Monday, 25 April 2022, at 16:00 CEST/10:00 EDT (and, for early birds, at 7:00 PDT) – live and online directly from Las Vegas.

“I would love to tell you more about it right away,” says Phil Myers, Lawo’s CTO. “But the official launch is only a few hours away. So please bear with us and register in order to attend the launch on Monday. For Lawo, this new HOME native video infrastructure platform is a game changer. And we are sure that the video community will be thrilled, too.”

All persons wishing to attend live and online are invited to register here.

NAB visitors are invited to see the news in real right after the event at NAB Show, Central Hall, booth C6932.