Arturia FX Collection 5

Arturia FX Collection5 NewPlugins small

FX Collection 5 is a carefully curated selection of 34 studio mixing tools and creative production effects which couple advanced digital signal processing and analog modeling to achieve unparalleled audio precision. From vintage sound coloring to innovative sonic manipulation, FX Collection 5 allows beginners and audio professionals alike to enhance their sound, place it in a mix and transform it into something entirely new.

FX Collection 5 features a unique balance between studio mixing tools and creative production effects:

  • Bus PEAK NEW: An intuitive audio effect that combines Tone Control, Clipper and Limiter features alongside comprehensive metering to ensure optimal loudness in your mix, while preserving detail and clarity.
  • Bus EXCITER-104 NEW: Bus Exciter-104 recreates the classic audio signal enhancer. With a dual module architecture, simple-to-use workflow and faithful design - bring your mix to life or add that pro-edge to instrument and vocal tracks.
  • Efx MOTIONS: A software effect that combines musical movement, mix dynamics, and creative audio tools into a powerful effect plugin to give your music the momentum, variety, and pure sonic excitement it deserves.
  • Efx REFRACT: A stereo multi-effect with versatility at its core. Combining unison-based processing with a variety of secondary effects and modulation options. Enrich, texturise and transform any sound, from experimental distortions to detuned harmonics.

FX Collection 5 has been carefully curated to include all the essential tools modern producers need for audio processing distilled into one comprehensive bundle. From compressors, reverbs, delays and EQ’s to distortions, filters, creative modulations and more - it comprises inspiring effects fit for every musical style that let you go from advanced audio enhancement to finding your unique sound.