Clearmountain's Domain releases 6 New Presets

ClearmountainDomain Presets

Get ready to elevate your mixes with 6 brand new, free presets for Clearmountain's Domain: Created alongside legendary producer/mixing engineer Bob Clearmountain, these presets offer a treasure trove of inspiring and meticulously crafted effects, capturing the essence of Clearmountain's mixing mastery. The team behind the plugin has been working hard to expand your sonic palette, and these presets deliver a treasure trove of inspiring effects, meticulously crafted to capture the magic of Bob Clearmountain's mixing genius. The new presets offer a wide range of tonal options, including octave-shifted guitars, atmospheric pads, unique vocal effects, and lush delays with reverb.

Here's a glimpse of what awaits:

  • Big Bottom Gtr: Craft massive, octave-shifted guitar tones with pulsing delays for an in-your-face sound.
  • Detuned Cave: Conjure up haunting atmospheres with a dark, detuned delay drenched in reverb.
  • Pitch Stereo Widener: Effortlessly widen your tracks with a classic pitch shift and delay combo.
  • Slight Pitched Eighth Note: Create a lush, spacious soundscape with cascading, detuned delays.
  • Spinal Tap Octaves: Unleash a swirling, octave-shifted madness reminiscent of that iconic solo!
  • Spooky Vocal Reverb: Add a chilling, otherworldly quality to your vocals with eerie delays and reverb.
  • Stairway Octaves: Build a sense of ascent with cascading, octave-shifted delays.
  • Stereo Analog Delay: Get that warm, vintage analog delay sound with a touch of stereo width and pitch-shifting magic.