Squarp Instruments HapaxOs Major Upgrade 2.0

SquarpInstruments HAPAX

Squarp Instruments announce the official release of version 2.0 of the HAPAX OS. In this version, the company has put a lot of effort into improving the ergonomics and screen designs. As for features, their focus has been on expanding patterns from 8 to 16 per track. Follow-actions have been introduced to bring more life to your sections, adding logic and randomness to the construction of your tracks.

A new MixMute mode has been created to enhance live performances, improve transitions between projects and arm your tracks for multitrack recording. Now you can engage in multi-track recording and capture on multiple tracks simultaneously. Two new effects are making their debut as well: FX ECHO, the best delay the company has made so far, and FX OUTPUT, allowing rerouting to a different output in the middle of the effect chain. You can now Import/ExportMIDI files, either to save and reuse your own patterns in different projects or to load complex MIDI files from a computer. In addition to that, the Curve algorithm is now accessible in automation mode. A track compensation mechanism and Auto-load function were added.
