Tracker Mini 1.0.1 Firmware Update

Polyend Tracker Mini large

This update addresses several critical bugs and introduces an improved Snap to Zero algorithm, now with a higher threshold for detecting zero crossings, enhancing its precision and reliability. Looking ahead to 2024, Polyend have a series of updates lined up. Polyend values your input and they are actively incorporating requests from the Backstage community into their update roadmap. Expect to see more of your wishes coming to life in their future updates. Polyend would like to thank you for being an active part of their community.

In addition to these news, the Tracker Mini is now back in stock and ready for immediate shipping after a significant backorder period in 2023. For those anticipating the arrival of the Play+ and Play+ upgrades, Polyend have good news: more stock is expected later this month. Stay tuned here as they don't expect them to last long.