Arturia MiniFreak V2

Arturia MiniFreak V2 wavetable

MiniFreak V2 adds massive new sonic possibilities as well as life improvements to all MiniFreak owners, hardware and software.

Here's what's new:

  • The new Wavetable engine was a highly requested Engine by users. It comes loaded with 32 Factory wavetables.
  • The Super Unison is a Chorus type effect, with up to 6 copies stacked on top of the dry signal.
  • Osc Freerun: Noise Engineering oscillators are capable of phase reset on new voices triggered. Therefore Noise Engineering osc should also respond to the “Osc Freerun” setting.
  • Volume is now in series with Master and Preset Volume, controlled by CC7 from 0 to 1, linear.
  • The LFOs of MiniFreak have custom waveforms called Shaper that users can draw using the sequencer Steps.
  • Macro Assign to Mod Amounts: While in Macro Edit mode, use the Matrix Encoder to browse modulation routings. This allows, for instance, to change an amount of Envelope to Pitch when rising the Macro.
  • Favorites allow users to keep their 64 favorite presets immediately accessible. (Only available in MiniFreak, not in MiniFreak V.)
  • Store: MiniFreak V provides a Sound Store with two paid banks of 64 patches and three free banks of 32 patches at launch, with more to come.
  • Clock Send On/Off - Transport Send On/Off