Dolby Atmos Renderer Head Tracking for Audeze Maxwell

Audeze HeadTracking DolbyAtmosRenderer

Audeze announces a new collaboration with Dolby bringing head tracking to Maxwell in the Dolby Atmos Renderer for professional mixing and mastering! This advancement will speed up the spatial audio work by making a full binaural preview of your mix with head tracking available directly in the renderer.

Maxwell is 2023's most-awarded gaming headset, packing a powerful feature set ranging from 90mm planar drivers with dual onboard amplifiers, to cutting-edge low-lantency, high-resolution wireless audio, and A.I. noise-filtering microphones. At this time, Maxwell's head tracking feature is only supported in the Dolby Atmos Renderer, not in any consumer Atmos applications.

If you are in New York City from Oct. 25-27, please visit the booth of Audeze at the AES Convention at the Javits Center, to demo this technology and learn more. This is the first integration utilizing Maxwell's built-in head tracking hardware, and Audeze invites costumer to join their open beta program for this technology.