Bill Schulenburg New AES Director

AES BillSchulenburg

The Audio Engineering Society’s Board of Governors (BoG) has elected Bill Schulenburg to assume the role of AES Director beginning January 1, 2024. Currently serving as AES Vice President, Central Region USA/Canada, Schulenburg has held various roles within the Society and will begin his second term an AES Vice President concurrently with his role as Director. Schulenburg will replace outgoing Director Cesar Lamschtein (past VP Latin America Region and current chair of the Regions and Sections Committee) as one of two BoG-elected Directors on the AES Board of Directors. He will serve on the Board of Directors through 2025.

“Bill Schulenburg has a strong record of service in his home Section in St. Louis and to area Student Sections,” AES President Bruce Olson stated. “As an AES VP, he has worked diligently to facilitate the cooperation of AES Student Sections and the professional Sections in his region, to the benefit of both. On behalf of the Board of Directors, we welcome Bill and anticipate he’ll continue that pattern of exemplary service. We are also hugely grateful for Cesar Lamschtein’s devoted service,” added Olson. “His positive impact will no doubt continue to benefit every single member of the Society.”

“I am deeply honored to have been chosen by the Board of Governors to serve on the Audio Engineering Society Board of Directors,” Schulenburg said. “As a longtime AES Member, I’ve experienced the many benefits of our Society firsthand, and I’m excited and grateful for this tremendous new opportunity to work with colleagues around the world to advance the important AES mission.”