Orchestral Tools Illuvia

 OrhcestralTools illuvia screenshot small

Innovative sample library developers Orchestral Tools have announced the release of Illuvia - the latest entry in their Creative Soundpack series. Illuvia is a collection of ominous percussion textures layered into evolving, playable sounds that are ideal for scoring the barren wastelands and eerie urban backdrops of dystopian films, TV, and video games, and equally useful for adding eerie rhythmic ambiance to any sound design project. Illuvia is available now on SINEplayer for an introductory price of €59 until August 9, after which it will have a regular price of €79.

The core of Illuvia is drawn from a series of unique performances by a troupe of skilled percussionists, who utilized an arsenal of traditional drum tools alongside unusual elements such as kitchen utensils and power tools. The result is a collection of dark rhythmic textures that range from the eerily quiet to the cacophonous, arranged into playable layers. The sounds range from undulating pads to semi-percussive plucks that can evolve in pitch and complexity over time. This mix of controlled chaos adds an element of inspiring randomness to the sounds that makes them endlessly playable - both as primary rhythms or as inscrutable background elements.

“We designed Illuvia together with our friend Nils Neumann as a way to expand our definitions of percussive textures in composition - utilizing things that may not be seen as traditionally musical but can bring a unique timbre to a piece,” said Orchestral Tools CEO Hendrik Schwarzer. “The interactions between the layers create some truly unique and frankly apocalyptic sounds that we believe will be immediately inspiring to composers and sound designers.”
