AES Get-together Event at Prolight + Sound 2022

AES PLS KV event

From the 26th to the 29th of April 2022, Prolight + Sound will kick off the season of trade events centered on entertainment technology. Together with hundreds of companies, Messe Frankfurt (Germany) is pulling together to send a strong signal for the successful future of the event business. Numerous new offerings in the field of professional audio technology make Prolight + Sound a point of attraction for the entire industry.”

For AES members, an amount of free tickets are available for the Prolight + Sound 2022. If you are interested, send an email to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. with the following information:

  • Email subject: “Prolight + Sound”
  • Your name and surname,
  • Your AES member number,
  • How many days you would like to attend the fair.

Following, you will receive a voucher code for a day ticket, together with an invitation to the AES GERMANY section event that will happen during the fair. Not an AES member? You can still join the waiting list. Instead of the AES member number, just write us the city you live in. First come, first served! If you are in town, don’t miss our get-together on Tuesday, 26 April at 18:00.

If you would like to attend, please use this link so that an appropriate number of seats can be reserved at Apfelweingaststätte Dauth-Schneider – Adress: Neuer Wall 5-7, Klappergasse 39, 60594 Frankfurt am Main.

AES Germany is looking forward to seeing you there.