Powersoft at ISE 2022

Powersoft ISE 2022

Following ISE’s decision to postpone this year’s event to May, Powersoft is pleased to confirm that it will be attending the rescheduled show in Barcelona to showcase Dynamic Music Distribution and Mover as a  solution for haptic applications. 

The Italian audio company expressed its agreement with event organisers Integrated Systems Events to push back this year’s show to May, amid safety concerns relating to the spread of the Omicron variant, concurring that postponing the event for three months was the “best course of action”.

“It must have been a hugely difficult decision to make but we are in agreement that the show postponement was in the best interests for everybody’s safety and wellbeing,” says Francesco Fanicchi, Powersoft’s corporate and marketing communication manager. “We now have more time to contribute towards our two booths, showcasing the latest in Powersoft technologies – and the whole team is looking forward to meeting with the industry again at a more favourable time.”

Taking centre stage on its main stand will be Powersoft’s Dynamic Music Distribution, where experts will be on hand to guide visitors through the functionalities that DMD has to offer system integrators.

Dynamic Music Distribution presents SIs with the ability to scale inputs and zones conveniently and efficiently with dynamic routing capabilities embedded on its amplifier platforms. This makes it simple to dynamically route music and other signal sources along with control signals between different zones and across multiple amplifiers – all independently of source location and without the need for a centralised DSP.

To demonstrate the capabilities of Powersoft’s Mezzo amplifiers, ArmoníaPlus and WM Touch, interactive panels representing three different DMD application examples will allow visitors to physically explore the various combinations achievable with these applications from start to finish.

Powersoft’s second stand will be dedicated to haptic technology for immersive applications, with the showcase of Mover – an incredibly powerful transducer able to bring to life the most tailored audio installs. Mover is an ideal solution for entertainment venues, 4D cinemas, clubs, simulations, and other any other venue where haptic feedback can enhance the overall customer experience.

“Our industry peers are also feeling positive about the change of date for the show,” declares Fanicchi. “I believe the attendance will be far stronger than before the postponement … there’s every expectation the attendee numbers will actually be bolstered by the sensible decision to reschedule.”

Powersoft will be exhibiting at ISE 2022 (10-13 May 2022, Fira Barcelona, Spain) in Hall 7, booth 7M700 & 7K670.
